Questions and answers about Fuenlabrada

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Where can I learn Spanish?

Check our Learn Languages page to find classes in Spanish, as well as other languages.

What financial aid for textbooks does Fuenlabrada offer?

Fuenlabrada has a programme to help students obtain textbooks. On our Formal education page you will find all the information you will need to receive this aid.

What religious faiths are worshipped in Fuenlabrada?

In Fuenlabrada various religious faiths coexist together. Our Religion page shows all the information about religious services and religious centres in our city.

Activities for children and young people in Fuenlabrada

Go to the Youth and Children's page for all the information about the different programmes and activities available for young people and children living in Fuenlabrada.

Where can I go to for help against abuse?

The Feminism and Diversity page contains all the necessary information for people suffering from abusive situations.

Which doctor will I be assigned to?

In the Community of Madrid, you can choose your doctor. To do so, apply through the website of the Community of Madrid’s Regional Ministry of Health.

What leisure activities are available in Fuenlabrada?

Fuenlabrada has a wide range of leisure and cultural activities that are regularly updated. Go to our Leisure and Free Time page to find all the information you need.

Migrants’ associations in Fuenlabrada

Go to our Cultural Diversity section to see the wide range of migrants’ associations in Fuenlabrada.

Are there any volunteering programmes in Fuenlabrada?

In Fuenlabrada we have a wide network of volunteers. The Volunteering page of our website contains all the necessary information on the associations and programmes available.

What assistance is available for unemployed people?

You can find all the necessary information on our Work and Training page.

Fuenlabrada Employment Office

Fuenlabrada Employment Office is located at Avenida del Vivero (no number), Fuenlabrada.

Time periods for children enrolling at school

See our Formal Education page for all the information you need regarding time periods for school enrolment in the Fuenlabrada municipality.

Where can I register as a jobseeker?

To register as a job seeker, go to Fuenlabrada Employment Office, located at Avenida del Vivero (no number), Fuenlabrada, or register through the website

Where is the hospital?

Fuenlabrada University Hospital is located at 2, Camino del Molino, Fuenlabrada.

Which health centre should I go to?

In Fuenlabrada there are several Health Centres distributed throughout the city. You can find the centre closest to your home on our Health and Doctors website.

Housing assistance in Fuenlabrada

The Housing section of our website provides all the information on housing aid and how to find accommodation in Fuenlabrada.

How can I find work?

Our Work and Training page contains all the information you need on how to find work and the training services in Fuenlabrada.

Where is Fuenlabrada police station?

The National Police Station is located at 9, Calle de los Ángeles, Fuenlabrada.

How do I apply for a health card?

You can apply for a health card either in person at your Health Centre or online at the website of the Community of Madrid’s Regional Ministry of Health.

Where can I register my residency in Fuenlabrada?

To register your residency you must first make an appointment at Fuenlabrada Town Hall, where you will be able to complete the formalities necessary to be included onto the Fuenlabrada census.

How do I get to Fuenlabrada Town Hall?

Fuenlabrada Town Hall is located at No. 1, Plaza de la Constitución.